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Using StudentTracker

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StudentTracker data is highly accessible, available as individual student queries via the Web, flat files, Excel spreadsheets, or aggregate summary reports.

Individual Student Look-Ups via the web

Your annual StudentTracker subscription includes an unlimited number of individual student look-ups via our secure web site.

To request web access, contact the Clearinghouse web administrator at your institution. If you do not know who your institution’s web administrator is, contact

Batch File Exchanges

One of the benefits of StudentTracker is your ability to use it to enrich your records with enrollment and degree data* from other institutions. StudentTracker’s batch file exchange feature enables you to obtain information for large group cohort studies using one of five research options:

  • Preparing Your File. You will find the file format specifications to build your research inquiry file in the Student Tracker for Colleges and Universities User Guide. Both Excel and flat files are accepted.
  • Transmitting Your File. You can send your files to us using your Clearinghouse secure FTP account (a StudentTracker client coordinator will help you set up your account). Each time you successfully upload a file, a file delivery receipt will be emailed to you.
  • Viewing Your File Submission Status. You can view your file submission status by logging on to the secure website and selecting the Research Services tab. From the Research Services tab, you can see if your file had any errors that must be corrected before you resubmit it. You can also see when your reports will be available for download via your secure FTP account.
  • Obtaining Your Research Results. You will receive a new files email when your StudentTracker results are ready for retrieval from your secure FTP account. Your StudentTracker research results include:
    • Control Report: Overview of your original inquiry and the results
    • Aggregate Report: Summary of the first schools attended by your cohort
    • Student Detail Report: Specific enrollment information about your cohort

If your file processed without errors (which will be noted on the File Submission Status screen), and you do not receive your report results within 72 hours, please contact

*Your school must be a DegreeVerify participant to receive detailed degree information.